Weekly Update: 3-Sep-2016 to 9-Sep-2016

by | September 10, 2016

I’ve been wanting to set up recurring updates about topics of interest to Canadian atheists for years now. I was quite enthused when Secular Lynx started doing it a year or so back. But Secular Lynx seems to have died, so I thought it was finally time to step up.

I’ll try to get one of these up every Saturday, but honestly, the quality and quantity of the updates will depend on you, Canadian Atheist reader. If you see anything on the Internet that might be of interest to Canadian secularists, humanists, atheists, or freethinkers, take a moment to submit that info. I don’t know the exact readership statistics at the moment, but from the last numbers I saw, if everyone submitted just one item a year there would always be tons of items in the weekly update every week… which, of course, benefits you, because you’ll always have a wealth of information relevant to Canadian SHAFT.

I’ll put instructions for submitting stuff into a separate post (which can be linked to from every update). But basically, all you need to do is leave a comment – either on that post, this post, or any future weekly update post. (If you want to leave the tip anonymously, options will be described in the “how to submit” post.)

Anywho, without further ado, here is your first Canadian Atheist Weekly Update.

[The first panel from "Clockmaker", a Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic. It shows a man praying, asking God for something, only to have God cut him off and say he just set the universe in motion, but doesn't do major changes.]

Even that much seems a stretch.

Well? What do you think? Worth making a regular thing?

Remember, if you like this idea or found the information round-up useful, the quality of future weekly updates depends on you. So send in the links to anything you think might be of interest to Canadian secularists, humanists, atheists, or freethinkers. Not everything sent in will make the cut, of course, but if you are the first person to submit the item, you’ll be credited (and linked to, if you provide a URL).

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